Sphere - Shungite (2cm)
Sphere - Shungite (2cm)
Shungite is elementary noncrystalline carbon with a metastable structure incapable of graphitization. It is also used as a term to describe a sequence of metamorphic rocks from the Karelia region of Russia containing such carbon. Shungite is an intense black colour which outwardly resembles anthracite.
Shungite is elementary noncrystalline carbon with a metastable structure incapable of graphitization. It is also used as a term to describe a sequence of metamorphic rocks from the Karelia region of Russia containing such carbon. Shungite is an intense black colour which outwardly resembles anthracite. Classification: Mineraloid Location: Austria, the Congo, India, Russia, and the USA Formation: Shungite is elementary noncrystalline carbon with a metastable structure incapable of graphitization. Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, & Crown Element: Fire / Wind / Storm Mohs Hardness Scale: 4 Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn & Cancer Metaphysical Properties: It is said to activate all primary chakras, as well as being an aura cleanser; detoxing the body and ridding the mind of negativity.
Gemstones have been used through the ages. Whether as a symbol in trinkets or jewellery.? As well as for their healing properties, for both physical and mental health. This is still very much the case today. Some will use gemstones for meditation, reiki and other forms of healing practises or simply carrying them around. Chakra stones activate, balance, or amplify the energy of the chakras. Crystal healing is based on the belief that stones or crystals have natural healing abilities. When activated they rouse the energy around them. No matter what your reason is for looking at these gemstones. They are superb and great to have around whether for beauty or their healing.
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